That the municipal district councillors consider allocating the €100,000 allocated for a youth amenity to a playground for Newbridge

My adjourned motion at Wedneday 18th November MD meeting, “That the municipal district councillors consider allocating the €100,000 allocated for a youth amenity to a playground for Newbridge, identified and highlighted in the council’s Playstrategy as a known need, and seek clarity as to where the remaining funding might come from if we are to have a chance of the project being completed within the next few years.

Report issued by: Mr S Wallace, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent, Economic Community and Cultural Development Department : Funding for a second playground and Youth Amenity has been included in the Capital Programme which will be presented to members as part of the Annual Budget. €50k has been allocated for 2021 and €250k in 2022 for an additional playground. These figures are subject to confirmation in the Capital Programme that will be presented to members as part of the annual budget.