At the request of Joe Boland, Director of Services,Water & Environment, please see link below re: Dara Park – Preliminary Report on Flooding.
Mr. Boland commissioned the report for the purpose of explaining the recent flooding event at Dara Park.
Also, Mr. Boland wishes to make the following additional points: –
- The Council wishes to apologise profusely for the understandable frustration and annoyance arising from this unfortunate event.
- There is no question of the recent major works not being fit for purpose; rather, the issue here relates to the maintenance of a thrash screen underneath the Iarnrod Eireann culvert.
- The Council has since agreed a protocol arrangement with Iarnrod Eireann for ongoing access to this area; accordingly, it is not expected that these problems will reoccur.
- There is a separate problem in Newbridge and not unique to Dara Park, relating to the capacity of the sewerage network. This will be address by Irish Water as part of a separate Capital Scheme (Contract 2A). The Council did on the urgency of the local committee, remediated a particularly problematic area (beside John Burke’s block) and these works were carried out immediately prior to the transition to Irish Water. It is also possible to resolve a number of obvious and identifiable sewer mis-connections as part of the recent major works.