My second motion at yesterday’s (20th October) MD meeting, “That this municipal district committee ask the executive to increase the proposed allocation for local Residential Associations in the municipal district budget, in order to bring the allocations for Residential Associations in the Kildare-Newbridge Municipal District in line with those allocated by the Naas Municipal District.
Report: The General Municipal Allocation, which is included in the Draft Budgetary Plan is on the agenda for the October meetings. Residents Associations allocations form just one element of this allocation.
It is a matter for the Members of the MD to move monies within this allocation in their MD. As per the table below, Kildare/Newbridge has (excluding the retained lpt) over €2.5m at their discretion.
If the Members wish to reassign monies within this envelope from one heading to another, then this can be done as part of the Draft Budgetary Plan. Full details are included in the Draft Budgetary Plan to the MD.